
Child Session | A Special Book Nook | New England Autumn

To see my imagination come to life brings smiles to my heart! The colors are exactly what I envisioned but the subjects cuter than I imagined. As usual, an early arrival to setup the session was a must. That is how I see the magic in a child’s eye when they arrive. They could be in not the greatest of moods but when they see something such as this set up in an unexpected area, their bad feelings are put aside and their imagination takes over! The original plan was to photograph just the two sisters but their big brother had come along to watch and decided that he just couldn’t stand on the side lines for long and joined them.

The temperature was comfortable as the sun began to dip above the tree line but soon enough the clouds came in and blocked any warmth just as they arrived. It dropped aroundt forty degrees but the children insisted on taking their shoes off before entering the nook. Looks like mom and dad taught some good manners:)

With the end of autumn upon the Northeast, enjoy the colors and laughter just as much as we did as we enter the winter season♥

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