
Family Portrait Session | Deerfield Beach

This family group was a lot of fun! I met Mary and David a few years back during a family session with their best friends. They popped in to be in a few of the photos so when Mary gave me a ring about capturing her family on Deerfield Beach, I was really excited about it! I knew the group would be pretty laid back and have some laughs. Everyone was dressed comfortable and casual with just a hint of a nautical touch to perfectly compliment the rocky beach backdrop.

This particular afternoon had a beautiful south Florida breeze to it but when I arrived at the beach early to scope areas out, the breeze turned into a strong wind at the coast. I panicked for a minute envisioning sand and hair all over everyone’s face making an awkward session and an editing nightmare. So I made my way down the stairs and onto the beach. The wind was coming in from the South East making the rock face wall and rock formations in the water the perfect backdrop having the ocean air flow right through everyone’s hair.

The kids were the cutest! They were relaxed being themselves and enjoyed having the spotlight. I truly enjoyed watching the connection this family had whether their relationship was parent-child, siblings, grandparent-grandchild or closest of friends. I had so much fun capturing these smiles from that afternoon! Enjoy these images!

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