
Portrait Session | Alex | South Florida

As an artist and photographer, I see people, locations and objects differently than some. Most of us see ourselves in a particular way using our egos which can alter our self-esteem and make us think that that is how others view us as well.
Since the first day I met Alex, I thought she was gorgeous; always with minimal makeup and having a carefree attitude. It took me awhile to ask to be able to capture photos of her. She was flattered and was up for any type of session I was envisioning. Too have 100% control over artistic expression is the best feeling an artist can have! I had a maroon lace dress and location that fit Alex perfectly.

Once I finished editing the images, I sent her the gallery link. She told me that she had never seen herself like that before. I was able to show her her inner goddess; the Alex I know of every time we see each other. Thank you, Ms Alex!

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