

I thought to myself a couple months back “Where can I find a pair of young sisters who could be all of the following: smart, has a sense of humor, hunts with their dad, plays on the football team, does ballet, can probably change their own oil and are girly all at the same time?” Right down the street from where I grew up in New Hampshire is where! I used to babysit for these two beauties who are about to blossom into a gorgeous triple threat with all that they are capable and enjoy doing.  I wanted to capture their young beauty in one of my whimsy sessions. The early morning light shining upon them at a deserted location in the town over is where I wanted the session to happen. The colors and textures are any photographers dream…my subjects where the cherry on top! The three of us had so much fun this particular morning and can’t wait to maybe do it again in the future!

Underneath the session gallery is a photograph I took with my very first digital camera (it took mini cds as the format!) at the age they were during the time that I took care of them.

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